Hi There!

My name is Dario Natarelli, and I am the founder of Knitarelli. 

As a creative, I’ve always been attracted to “process” and how that manifests in each individual. From dancing on Broadway and around the world, to pattern designing for over a decade, I have been fortunate enough to surround myself with some of the most creative and thought-provoking artists out there. In a world that doesn’t always support the arts and artists, it is important to build and support our artistic communities, and I hope that you can feel that sense of connection through my designs.

With Knitarelli, I have one simple goal: To promote an inspiring outlet for fellow creatives to express themselves and share their stories through my designs and my soon-to-come yarns.

The movement of the yarn, our bodies, and our tools feels exactly like choreography. The sound and rhythm found in rounds of stockinette, the needles brushing against one another like a pas de deux, our breath releasing as we bind off… The fiber arts are a dance we practice and refine through processes, and its process should be celebrated as much as the final garment.

Thanks again for stopping by, and I hope that you enjoy exploring.
